24de Heremans Lecture, door Diane Mathis op 24 februari
Zij zal de moleculaire en cellulaire basis van T-celtolerantie belichten.
9:00 – 10:30 Oral presentations
9:00 Welcome Speech – Profs. Sophie Lucas, Jean-François Collet & Christophe Pierreux
9:10 Welcome Speech de Duve Society – Simon Boutry and Co
9:20 Introduction to ValoDoc – Sophie Leclère
9:30 Biliary tract cancers: mechanisms of carcinogenesis (Sophie Pirenne)
9:50 Role of genetic determinants in cleft lip and palate: A next generation sequencing approach (Peyman Ranji Koozehkanan)
10:10 Investigation of red blood cell vesiculation mechanisms upon blood storage in tubes and concentrates dedicated to transfusion
(Anne-Sophie Cloos)
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:30 Oral presentations
10:45 Analysis of the T cell response during BCG treatment in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (Walther Brochier)
11:05 Can lipoproteins decorate Escherichia coli’s surface? (Naemi Csoma)
11:25 EVs: actors and markers of thyroid cancers (Ophélie Delcorte)
11:45 Role of hypoxia and HIF-1α in the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (Tereza Dvorakova)
12:05 Cardiovirus L proteins-mediated FG-nucleoporins phosphorylation (Belén Lizcano Perret)
12:25 – 12:40 Quizz (winner: Laura Glorieux)
12:40 – 14:00 Lunch and Poster Session on Google form (elected best poster: Christophe Vanderaa)
14:00 - 15:45 Oral presentations
14:00 Importance of membrane cholesterol for breast cancer cell invasion (Mauriane Maja)
14:20 Topological and molecular characterization of pancreatic endothelial cells: a prerequisite for tissue bioprinting (Laura Glorieux)
14:40 Chromosome dynamics and spatial organization during the non-binary cell cycle of the predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio
bacteriovorus (Jovana Kaljevic) - elected best presentation
15:00 Antibodies to activate latent TGF- β1 (Fanny Lambert)
15:20 – 15:40 Break
15:40 - 17:00 Oral presentations
15:40 Mesenchyme-epithelium interactions driving bile duct formation during liver development (Catalina de Schrevel)
16:00 Adducts of a glycolytic intermediate in models of Parkinson’s disease (Isaac Heremans)
16:20 Characterization of the role of Kras splicing isoforms, Kras4A and Kras4B, in mouse development (Marie-Albane Minati)
16:40 – 17:00 Quizz (winner: Belen Lizcano Perret)
Amaury Stommen, Juliette Vanderroost, Elisa Pierre, Léna Puigdevall
A Special THANK YOU to our SPONSOR
de Duve PhD Students' Society was created with the aim to help PhD students to develop their skills and knowledge by organizing social, academic and ultimately career-related events.
The yearly PhD Day, BBQ and PhD Weekend have been in place for many years. Other projects will soon be a reality, such as a dedicated website and social media, as well as a PhD Welcome Day. Ultimately, a ball and a job fair could bring together PhD students from all of UCLouvain Health Sciences institutes.
The team consists of ~15 motivated members:
. Simon Boutry (President), Raquel Rodriguez Alonso (Vice-President), Anna Diacofotaki (Treasurer), Eleonore Pairet (Secretary)
. Anna Diacofotaki (IC Skill Up!), Nathalie Kyalu Ngoie Zola (IC BBQ), Gabriel Levy (IC Welcome Day), Amaury Stommen (IC PhD Day), Christophe Vanderaa (IC Website)
. Alina Alexandru, Martina De Bortoli, Elisa Pierre, Léna Puigdevall, Juliette Vanderroost
For more information, please contact Simon Boutry.