24th Heremans Lecture, by Diane Mathis on 24th February
She will enlighten us on the molecular and cellular basis of T-cell tolerance.
9:30 – 10:35 Oral presentations - Chairpersons : Belén Lizcano Perret & Emile Dupuy
9:30 Welcome Speech – Profs. Sophie Lucas, Jean-François Collet & Christophe Pierreux
9:35 GenClefts: Genetic basis of cleft lip and palate (Eléonore Pairet)
9:50 Stabilin-1 macrophages in thyroid cancer microenvironment (Catherine Spourquet)
10:05 Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screens to identify genes involved in T cell dysfunction mediated by tryptophan-degrading enzymes
(Raphaële Bombart)
10:20 Miltenyi (Miltenyi representative)
10:35 - 11:05 Coffee Break & Chat with Sponsors
11:05 - 12:05 Oral presentations - Chairpersons : Ophélie Delcorte & Catalina De Schrevel
11:05 Study of the connections between pancreatic tumorigenesis and translation control (Maxime Libert)
11:20 Expression and activity of the immunosuppressive GARP:TGF-β1 complex in human tumors (Pierre Van Meerbeek)
- elected best oral presentation
11:35 Somatic activating PIK3R1 and non-hotspot PIK3CA mutations associated with a newly identified clinical phenotype:
Capillary Malformation with Dilated Veins (Martina De Bortoli)
1:1:50 GSK in Belgium: The largest pharma company with a special purpose (Annick Poliszczack)
12:05 – 13:20 Lunch Break & Chat with Sponsors
13:20 – 14:50 Poster Session
14:50 - 15:50 Oral presentations - Chairpersons : Ariane Sablon & Walther Brochier
14:50 Telomere maintenance, ER stress, lipid metabolism and innate immune responses: a possible link? (Dan Geelen)
15:05 HGF mutations give rise to primary lymphedema via downstream signaling of its receptor (Murat Alpaslan)
15:20 Biogenesis of new post-translational modifications in hereditary Parkinson's disease (Francesco Caligiore)
15:35 The need for standardization in mass spectrometry-based single cell proteomics (Christophe Vanderaa)
15:50 – 16:15 Coffee Break & Vote for Best Presentation/Poster
16:15 – 16:30 Closing Session - Chairperson : Amaury Stommen
16:30 – 18:30 Closing drink
Organizing Committee: Elisa Pierre, Léna Puigdevall, Amaury Stommen, Juliette Vanderroost
de Duve PhD Students' Society was created with the aim to help PhD students to develop their skills and knowledge by organizing social, academic and ultimately career-related events.
The yearly PhD Day, BBQ and PhD Weekend have been in place for many years. A first edition of the PhD Welcome Day, an event dedicated to new incoming PhD students, was organized in the Fall of 2021. Ultimately, a ball and a job fair could bring together PhD students from all of UCLouvain Health Sciences institutes.
The Society consists of ~11 motivated members spread across different projects:
. The PhD Day team: Elisa Pierre, Léna Puigdevall, Amaury Stommen, Juliette Vanderroost
. The PhD Weekend and BBQ team: Raphaëlle Bombart, Mathieu Jamez, Hernan Tirado Cardenas, Pierre Van Meerbeeck, Christophe Vanderaa
. The PhD Welcome Day team: Martina De Bortoli, Eléonore Pairet
New members for the next academic year are warmly welcomed: Florence Boon, Francesco Caligiore, Pierre-Hubert Desimpel
The Society is looking for more members to help support current projects or develop new ideas. Do not hesitate to reach out! For more information, please contact Christophe Vanderaa.